Lo: analyze culture and socialization chapter 2


LO: Analyze Culture and SocialWatch-American-Idol-Online.jpg

Discuss the concepts in this chapter as they relate to American Idol. Consider the cultural implications of the Idol contest in other countries, such as Norway, South Africa, Poland, the Philippines, and the Arab World. For example, in developing nations, what percentage of the population has television, cell phones, and the Internet? Can one genre of music or type of artist possibly represent the tastes of citizens throughout a whole country? Consider whether popular culture is universal; what it means that the idol winners in other nations may or may not find rags-to-riches stories, depending on the infrastructure of their society; and why it is significant to identify winners as “idols” of an entire country.

Here is the Wikipedia on World Idol:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Idol

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